Here we go!

Welcome to the launch of the NECRblog!

As you can see in the “About” page — this blog is attached to the NECR (Negotiation and Conflict Resolution) program here at Columbia University.

I hope to start conversations between any and all who are interested in the topics of Peace Studies, not only on campus, or even in New York, but across the field.

So let me start by asking just a few questions….

Why are you here?  No, not in the metaphysical sense, (I leave that to the Philosophy Department) but on this page?What do you hope to see or gain from this blog?

You see personally, I hope to do two main things, expand the conversations surrounding Peace Studies, Conflict and Alternative Dispute Resolution, and to learn from the comments, events and other things that we will see here.

To get that going — there will soon be links to other websites that blogs that might of be interest.  So why not check them out and see what you think?

Then you can can come back here and share!

Interested in who am I?  check out the “About” page to learn more about me and where this blog might be headed.

As with everything on this site, feel free to comment, reflect on and yes even grouse about what you see here.

It’s all part of the process of NECR!

One response to “Here we go!

  1. Very interesting topic! Im also doing a blog about cultural conflict so your blog will be a great source for me! Looking forward to see more post.

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